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Fat Loss & Weight Management
(Female - 42 years)

Road cyclist
Fat Loss & Weight Management
(Female - 42 years)


12-week (silver package) lifestyle, development and support process plus initial physiological testing.

Client Introduction

Middle-aged (42) female who has had recent weight gain, has “dieted” many times with strict, rigid nutrition plans, and had a previous history of excessive exercise for fat loss (2 hours running a day), which led to injuries. Moreover, the client wanted a long-term sustainable lifestyle change to maintain results. The individual had a demanding lifestyle, including a demanding job, multiple young children and an environment that did not align with easy fat loss goals. Binge eating was a concern during previous fat loss programmes.

Time efficiency was an essential factor, and to minimise food waste as nutritionists have previously provided family recipes that caused a lot of waste. Like most clients living with their children and partners, it was essential to efficiently integrate nutrition strategies into family time to support overall health, weight management/fat loss and performance.

Client Goals

To halt weight and body fat gain and achieve long-term sustainable fat loss to reach an ideal healthy body weight and body fat level. To be self-sufficient and know why, what, when and how to eat to perform my best. To efficiently integrate nutrition strategies into daily and family life.


Demanding schedule with little time, some resistance to change (dependent on strict, rigid plans), environment and network that may not align with goals. A habit of bingeing when “dieting” and using excessive exercise.

Service Breakdown

12-week (silver package) lifestyle, development and support process plus initial physiological testing.

  • Initial physiological assessments.

  • Complete nutrition and lifestyle support (check-ins and daily contact as needed)

  • Strength conditioning programming from NLC Consultant


Support process.

Support consisted of 12 weeks (silver) support, including weekly check-ins for review, and knowledge, strategy and habit development in required areas. 1-2-1 daily support was available when needed through a private personal app for feedback, accountability, support, answering questions and monitoring progress.

Relevant educational topics were covered weekly with “as and when needed” support to provide feedback and input. Bespoke flexible reference plans mirroring the client's weekly schedule were provided and could use any method of application that best aligns with preferences (portions, calories or macronutrients) throughout the days and week.

Nutrition was integrated step by step to minimise variables and make achievable and impactful changes to habits for long-term self-sufficiency. Injury nutrition strategies were also integrated alongside weight management goals to support tissue specific recovery and injury prevention.

Exercise was reduced from two hours of jogging daily, to daily dog walking and 2-3 short resistance-based exercise sessions a week to complement health, strength, fitness, injury rehabilitation/prevention, weight loss and retention of lean mass. Exercise sessions could be completed with home equipment or equipment at the gym three times a week.

Environment was reviewed and strategies were in place to incorporate meals into family time and to have options that take minutes and align to goals for time-limited days.

Examples of topics covered for general health and performance that were integrated into daily life to build self-sufficiency and long-term habitual change:

Education around:

  • Nutrition fundamentals.

  • Nutrition for fat loss.

  • Nutrition and the environment, are tools to make everything easier.

  • Weight management manipulation, energy density & satiety

  • Protein importance: intake, types and targets (portions, measures of both)

  • Carbohydrates: fuelling for the work required (portions or measured targets)

  • Micronutrients and fats

  • Dietary quality: importance, types of nutrients (portions or measures)

  • Hydration

  • Recovery and fuelling strategies from general exercise.


  • Flexible reference plan mirroring daily life and schedule.

  • Infographics and snap-shot resources to support any topics discussed.

  • Multiple optional use high-performance recipe books.

  • 35 Restaurant guides to choose the options that align with individual goals.

  • Access to private apps.


  • Significant reductions in body fat and mass

  • Maintenance of results while on holiday and still enjoying food.

  • Successful process without falling back to binge eating.

  • Integrated easy-to-apply healthy nutrition strategies alongside family meals.

  • Developed a flexible approach to food without a strict, rigid plan.

  • Meeting key nutritional targets for given goals and demands (daily and long term)

  • Improved energy levels, mood, recovery, and sleep quality consistently.

  • Self-sufficient in all areas of education and application.


  • "This is the first time I feel confident about reaching my ideal body composition without a strict plan and maintaining the results. That I could go away on holiday, enjoy myself and not add weight was a huge win."

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Neil Livemore Consulting

Our expert team of consultants have extensive experience supporting both general populations and elite sport organisations at the highest level. 

9-17 Eastern Rd, 
Romford, Greater London, England, RM1 3NG

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